Oh, boy, here we go again. Some things never change. Back in 2016, Democrats tore themselves apart over who was the best candidate to take on Donald Trump in the general election. In the end, Hillary Clinton won the nomination, but Bernie Sanders' supporters didn't take it well and a majority of them did what most spoiled brats do: they sulked.
Four years later, a similar pattern is emerging. Once again, Bernie supporters are on the war path, threatening to stay home if Michael Bloomberg becomes the nominee. And even though their guy is currently the odds-on favorite to win the nomination, they're still throwing a hissy fit. Last time around, they bitched because they didn't get the pony they wanted under the Christmas tree; now that they might actually get the pony, they're demanding the whole damn stable. Jesus, some people are never satisfied.
Just so we're clear, here. I have no illusions about any of these candidates. Each of them have their own set of issues. Sanders' Medicare for All plan is all but dead on arrival in the Senate, and despite writing the "damn bill," he still can't tell us how much it'll cost; Pete Buttigieg, who I like a lot, is about as popular with people of color as a horde of ants at a picnic; Amy Klobuchar is a sensible person with sensible ideas, who is in the same boat as Mayor Pete with minorities; Joe Biden, who on paper is the most qualified to be president, appears to be running a campaign more suited to the '90s than the third decade of the 21st century; Elizabeth Warren made the unfortunate mistake of telling voters how much her "damn bill" would cost and that was ostensibly the end of her candidacy; and Mike Bloomberg, well let's just say we could spend all day talking about his issues. In fact, with each passing hour another one seems to pop up.
My point is that this circular firing squad has got to come to an end; the only one it helps is Trump. That doesn't mean that we can't have a horse in the race; nor does it mean we give up our right to voice our opinions about the other candidates. I certainly don't intend to abate in my criticism over Bernie's agenda, nor do I intend to stop pointing out when certain lines are crossed. For instance, earlier today, a surrogate for the Sanders' campaign went on CNN and said that Bloomberg had had multiple heart attacks. That was a deliberate lie and it was uncalled for. There's plenty to discuss about Bloomberg's record that's fair game without making shit up.
And while we're at it, enough with the "Bernie is a Russian asset" crap. Bernie's many things: impractical, stubborn, thickheaded and way too liberal for my tastes. But he's no Russian asset. The fact that Fox News keeps harping on how "unfair" he's being treated by establishment Democrats just means they want him to be the nominee so that Trump can eat him alive in the general. And they're right. He would.
The bottom line is this: One of these candidates is going to eventually win the Democratic nomination. It could be Bernie; it could be Bloomberg; it could be Warren. Who knows? It might even be Biden, assuming he can stop the hemorrhaging in time. I still haven't given up on Buttigieg. I'd like to think that all those months learning how to spell his last name weren't in vain.
For the last two years all we've heard was "Vote Blue No Matter Who" and "Never Trump." Now there appears to be a condition attached to the above. Some are saying, "I'll vote blue, but only if my candidate is the nominee," or "I'll vote for any Democrat except a certain person." That certain person, as I mentioned above, is Bloomberg. Next to him, Hillary was practically their BFF.
Let me be as direct as I can. There's no such thing as a conditional Never Trumper. You're either a Never Trumper or you aren't. It's a binary choice. If it's the former, you vote for the Democratic nominee, regardless of who that is, even if it's someone you don't agree with on all the issues. You think I'm in love with Sanders? Shit no. But to get rid of Trump, I'd gladly pull the lever for him if he's the nominee. Hell, I'd vote for a toaster oven over Trump.
The fact is there's not a single one of these candidates who isn't head over heels better than the narcissist in chief occupying the Oval Office. If you seriously think that Bloomberg is a carbon copy of Trump, I feel sorry for you. While Trump was busy ripping people off with his sham university, Bloomberg has funneled almost a billion dollars of his own money into progressive causes, including $5 million to Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight Political Action Committee. Is he an arrogant asshole with a checkered past? Is the ocean wet?
Look, people, you're not voting for your favorite rock band here. You're voting for your favorite politician. There's a difference. The former gives you endless hours of joy, while the latter is a means to an end. There's a reason why politicians are only slightly more popular than serial killers and used-car salesmen. Don't make them out to be something they're not. It's not worth it. Remember, these are flawed human beings. Add up their strengths and weaknesses the same way you would would anyone else. It's a job interview, not a marriage proposal. Evaluate them by what they bring to the table. Period.
Think about it. While you're engaged in a food fight over which of these candidates is "pure" enough to earn your "esteemed" vote, Trump is decimating both the Justice and State Departments, not to mention issuing pardons to every two-bit hoodlum behind bars. If he gets another four years in office, the least of your worries will be whether or not you have Medicare for All. The country that you and I grew up in will cease to exist.