Maybe I should just rename this feature the FrumForum and be done with it.
The Overheated Case
Against Romneycare
by David Frum Aug
4, 2012 9:30 AM EDT
Philip Klein writes a rebuttal
to my praise
for Romneycare. At the core of his argument is found this remarkable—even
Some of us simply don’t believe that the
way to fix our health care system is for the government — whether at the
federal or state level — to mandate, regulate and subsidize the purchase of
health insurance.
“Some” may
disbelieve these things, but even among conservatives, it is unlikely to be a
very big “some.”
No government
subsidy for the purchase of health insurance? Already in 2008, the exclusion of
employer-provided healthcare benefits was subsidized to the extent of $131
billion a year, the single biggest
tax expenditure in the tax code.
The ill effects
of this subsidy are pretty notorious by now. Equally notorious is the
difficulty of eliminating it. The concept of exchanges + mandates was developed
(and advocated by conservative Republicans for almost two decades) precisely in
order to work around the subsidy. Philip may think it would be neater and
cleaner to eliminate it outright? Good luck to him in finding even a corporal's
guard of Republicans in House or Senate who will publicly agree.
No government
regulation of health insurance? Insurance regulation in the United States dates
back almost to the very beginning of the republic. States took the lead through
the 19th century. In 1945, the Supreme Court declared the federal government's
authority over insurance—to which Congress responded by passing a law returning
regulatory power to the states. But whether it's done in Washington or the
states, insurance regulation is inescapable. In the nature of things, insurers
are tempted to take excess risks in pursuit of higher investment returns, for
the famous reason that if the risk pays off, the insurer wins; if the risk
fails, the policyholder loses.
No government
mandate? Really? What about the federal mandate requiring all hospitals that
receive Medicare payments to treat all patients regardless of ability to pay?
Would Philip abolish that? What about Medicare? Functionally, isn't the
Medicare payroll tax a compulsory insurance premium for a program all Americans
qualify for at age 65? Must that go out the window too?
The debate over
Obamacare has driven many conservative writers to espouse positions much more
radical than they held four years ago—very likely, much more radical than they
will hold four years from now—and certainly more radical than anything a
Republican majority in Congress would ever actually do. I think Philip's words
provide an almost laboratory-pure example of just such a polemical tendency.