I guess that old "it's the economy stupid" message wasn't quite doing it for Mittens. With the news that Ohio, the state Republicans will tell you they cannot win the White House without, is trending blue, the Romney campaign has apparently decided to forgo their "positive" messaging and go for the throat. Plan B will be unveiled after the convention and we can expect to see a far more combative Republican nominee. In other words, Batman and Robin will be doing double time on the double down.
Forgive me, but I'm somewhat confused. Exactly what positive message was it that Romney will drop post convention? Except for a couple of sound bites here and there about his 59 point plan to "save" America, the former governor of Massachusetts has gone out of his way to both misquote the President on the "you didn't build that" speech and then deliberately lie about the welfare reform issue. If that was Plan A, then what will Plan B look like? Perhaps Thurston Howell III will claim Obama is an alien from another world. He's already cracked a joke about him being an alien from another country.
The truth is that for years there has only been one plan for the Republican Party: throw as much mud as possible at their opponents and hope enough of it sticks so they can win another election. With all the money coming in from the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson, the voter suppression laws in key swing states, not to mention a sagging economy, if the best Mitt Romney can do is stay within striking distance of Obama, what does that say about him?
What it says to me is that next time the GOP should try nominating someone who isn't a fraud and can lay out a vision for the country that doesn't pander to nutjobs and alienate more than half the electorate.
They can call that Plan C.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/26/us/politics/mitt-romneys-campaign-adopts-a-harder-message.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1&hp
Forgive me, but I'm somewhat confused. Exactly what positive message was it that Romney will drop post convention? Except for a couple of sound bites here and there about his 59 point plan to "save" America, the former governor of Massachusetts has gone out of his way to both misquote the President on the "you didn't build that" speech and then deliberately lie about the welfare reform issue. If that was Plan A, then what will Plan B look like? Perhaps Thurston Howell III will claim Obama is an alien from another world. He's already cracked a joke about him being an alien from another country.
The truth is that for years there has only been one plan for the Republican Party: throw as much mud as possible at their opponents and hope enough of it sticks so they can win another election. With all the money coming in from the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson, the voter suppression laws in key swing states, not to mention a sagging economy, if the best Mitt Romney can do is stay within striking distance of Obama, what does that say about him?
What it says to me is that next time the GOP should try nominating someone who isn't a fraud and can lay out a vision for the country that doesn't pander to nutjobs and alienate more than half the electorate.
They can call that Plan C.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/26/us/politics/mitt-romneys-campaign-adopts-a-harder-message.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1&hp