It's Time To Stop Pussyfooting About Islam January 29, 2015 9/11 al-Qaeda Bill Maher ISIS Islamic extremism Muslims Pakistan Salmon Rushdie Sam Harris terrorism Thomas Friedman +
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Hey GOP, It's Obama's Recovery January 11, 2015 Austerity auto bailout Dow Jones Europe GDP GOP inflation Obama recovery stimulus unemployment rate +
Does Hillary Have a Bill Problem? Not Nearly as Much as Jeb Has a George Problem January 06, 2015 2016 election Bill Clinton George Bush Glass-Steagall Act Great Recession Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush +
Memo To Dems: Be Proactive Not Reactive January 04, 2015 2014 midterm elections 2016 election Blue Dog Democrats Democratic base GOP Harry Reid Hillary Clinton Mitch McConnell progressives +
Can Jeb Win in 2016? January 03, 2015 2016 election general election George Bush Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush moderates Obama Republican primary Tea Party +