New Year's Resolutions for Republicans and Democrats December 28, 2013 Claire McCaskill Democrats Dick Lugar entitlement reform GOP House of Representatives immigration reform Obamacare Pope Francis Republicans Richard Mourdock Senate social issues Tea Party Todd Akin +
The Not So New Unemployment Norm December 26, 2013 demand GDP Labor force partition rate Paul Krugman unemployment rate +
Tip of the Hat December 24, 2013 2014 midterm elections Bush tax cuts Debt deficit Democrats GOP Obama stimulus +
One Step Forward, Two Backwards December 18, 2013 debt ceiling GOP government shutdown hostage taking Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan primary challenge Tea Party wingnuts +
A Letter To the Children of Newtown December 14, 2013 child deaths gun control gun deaths gun lobby Newtown second amendment +
The Lowdown on the Budget Deal December 11, 2013 budget deal Democrats GOP Harry Reid John Boehner Mitch McConnell Patty Murray Paul Ryan sequester Tea Party Ted Cruz +
Idiots' Delight: The Annual Edition (Amended) December 09, 2013 Congressional Democrats congressional Republicans GOP main-stream media Medicaid expansion National Republican Congressional Committee Obama Obamacare Rick Santorum Ted Cruz +
The Right's Attempt To Remake Nelson Mandela December 08, 2013 ANC Apartheid conservatives Nelson Mandela Ronald Reagan South Africa +