Putting the Nuclear Option in Perspective November 22, 2013 appointments filibuster reform GOP Harry Reid judicial nominees Mitch McConnell nuclear option obstructionism Senate +
Tip of the Hat November 09, 2013 2014 midterm elections Bruce Bartlett Chris Christie Democrats GOP Gubernatorial elections Ken Cuccinelli New Jersey governor's race Tea Party Terry McAuliffe Virginia governor's race +
Further Thoughts on Tuesday's Election Results November 08, 2013 Chris Christie establishment Republicans GOP Ken Cuccinelli Rand Paul Tea Party Ted Yoho +
A Tale of Two Gubernatorial Elections November 06, 2013 Chris Christie Democrats GOP Ken Cuccinelli NJ governor's race Sarah Palin Steve Lonegan Tea Party Ted Cruz Terry McAuliffe Virginia governor's race +
Nightmare at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue November 01, 2013 Affordable Care Act GOP Marsha Blackburn Obama Obamacare private insurance policies +